The Importance of Bees in Food Production

The Importance of Bees in Food Production

Have you ever thought about the role bees play in our food production? Bees play a vital role in the sustainable and self-sufficient food production system at Earthship Puerto Rico at TainaSoy Apiario. Located in the beautiful mountains of Aguada, Puerto Rico, TainaSoy Apiario practices permaculture principles, which means they strive to create a sustainable ecosystem that relies on natural processes.


In addition to pollinating plants, which helps increase the yield of fruits and vegetables and supports a diverse range of flowering plants, the bees also produce delicious honey as a valuable byproduct. The beekeepers here use natural and sustainable practices to manage their hives and follow a "treatment-free" approach, meaning they avoid using chemicals or artificial treatments on the bees. This not only benefits the bees, but it also ensures that the honey produced is pure and natural.


In addition to bees, TainaSoy Apiario also has goats and chickens in a multi-level structure called a vertical integrated pasture. On the roof of the goat shed, solar panels provide renewable energy for the entire operation. Rainwater falls on the panels and is then collected, and the goats' manure falls into the chicken compartment below, where the chickens scratch and till it into the soil while they eat bugs and worms. This system produces seven products: energy, rainwater, goat milk and meat, chicken eggs and meat, and compost.


The Earthship also reuses greywater from sinks and showers to passively water the plants in evapotranspiration cells. The plants roots oxygenate and filter the water which is then used to flush toilets, further demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and self-sufficiency.

As bee populations decline globally, it's more important than ever to support and protect these vital insects. At Earthship Puerto Rico at TainaSoy Apiario, they not only value the bees for their honey production, but also for their crucial role in their food production system. By using sustainable and natural practices, the team at TainaSoy Apiario is working to create a brighter future for bees and humans alike.

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