About Us

Welcome to Earthship Puerto Rico! We are a team of passionate environmentalists and builders dedicated to creating sustainable, self-sufficient communities that can thrive in harmony with nature.

Our mission is to bring the revolutionary Earthship design to Puerto Rico and empower individuals and families to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Earthships are off-grid homes that are built using recycled materials and are designed to be self-sufficient, using natural systems for heating, cooling, electricity, and water collection and filtration.

We believe that by living in harmony with the natural world, we can reduce our impact on the environment and create a more sustainable future for all. That's why we are committed to using only eco-friendly materials and techniques in the construction of our Earthships.

In addition to building homes, we also offer educational workshops and tours to help spread the word about the benefits of Earthships and sustainable living. We believe that by sharing our knowledge and experience, we can inspire others to join us in creating a more sustainable future.

Thank you for choosing Earthship Puerto Rico and we look forward to helping you build your own self-sufficient, eco-friendly home.